We support young racers in the sport of Motocross. 

FHR Racing

Empowering youth by increasing awareness and access to action sports.


Youth Education

Youth Development

The main purpose of our organization is to provide youth education awareness; regardless of race, religion, gender, or socio-economic background for teaching skills used in the sport of motorcycle racing. Our mission is to empower youth by increasing the awareness and access to action sports as a tool for positive youth development.

Motocross racing can teach young people skills that will help them for a lifetime.


Meet Our Team

Dean Fields

Don Fields

Bill Hagar

Doug Roossien

Dr. Roossien, Jr

Racer Piper Bell on the podium with her award, surrounded by FHR Racing members

FHR Racing Club exists to support any young person who is interested in racing and willing to put in the time and effort to excel. We provide financial, travel,  equipment, and training support so that youth can participate in events that are local to them.


Preparing Youth


Click here to contact a team member about the club.

Racing is a Passion

Once you have been a racer, it’s in your blood. We help young people overcome barriers such as finances, lack of equipment, or distance from events and help them participate in this amazing sport.

Recent Newsletters

Stay Focused… Tackle Your Mind Like You Tackle the Track

Stay Focused… Tackle Your Mind Like You Tackle the Track

When I was racing (over 20 years ago: YIKES) the love of the sport was my primary focus and where I applied most of my attention.  School sports were important as well as it taught me similar yet different ways to exercise my mind and use my muscles.  Racing at the...

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January ’24 News & Updates

January ’24 News & Updates

Goals give us direction.  They put a powerful force into play on a universal, conscious, and subconscious level.  Goals give our life direction.  ~Melody Beattie Last Month's Recap: A two-week shakedown in Southern California training at RD Fields is all it took for...

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Results & Good Information

District 14 Motocross

MX Sports

Phathead Racing