Doug Roossien is a semi-retired Certified Risk Manager and Certified Fraud Examiner, having worked in the banking industry for over 37 years. He has conducted public speaking throughout the United States on fraud and risk management.

Doug was a hockey player, coach, and motocross wannabe that finally raced a partial season in 2011 at the age of 52 winning nearly every race. He coached youth hockey, including current National Hockey League professionals, for many years in the Detroit area gaining an appreciation to help kids that has become an obsession. “Kids learn from what they see and hear, I want to help them throughout their lives by sharing knowledge, experiences and assist with being comfortable with public speaking”.

Doug is a founding member of FHR Racing, LLC and currently serves as Chairman of the Board and Treasurer.

The main purpose of our organization is to provide youth education awareness; regardless of race, religion, gender, or socio-economic background for teaching skills used in the sport of motorcycle racing and life skills.